Edvin Johansson, Senior Imaging Director at Antaros Medical, is presenting next week at the 2nd Obesity & Weight Loss Drug Development Summit. His talk ‘Underneath the lost kilos: weight loss in obesity and metabolic disease drug development‘ will cover how imaging can be used in clinical trials to understand weight loss and downstream organ effects in drug development for obesity and other metabolic diseases.
Excess weight or body fat, often termed obesity, is a growing healthcare problem with mounting demands for new treatment options and a lot of drug development activity. While weight loss in absolute (kg) and relative (% body weight), and Body Mass Index (BMI) are the most commonly used endpoints in obesity clinical trials, they give limited information about the underlying changes in body composition and other organ effects.
Imaging-based measurements of body and muscle composition can be used to comprehensively assess weight loss and its complexity in obesity and other metabolic disease clinical trials. Advanced imaging methods such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET) can also be used to investigate systemic and organ-specific effects. Tailored protocols can be designed to combine body composition with other biomarkers to look at both weight loss and downstream effects in clinical trials.
To hear more, join us at the Obesity & Weight Loss Drug Development Summit on Wednesday 12 June @ 9:00 EDT to hear Edvin’s talk. The Obesity & Weight Loss Drug Development Summit takes place from 12-13 June in Boston, MA.
And to learn more about weight loss in obesity and metabolic disease, you can also check out our webinar; Underneath the lost kilos: weight loss in metabolic disease.