The need for novel therapies in diabetes is well-known. So is the need for accurate biomarkers that reflect disease progression, where assessment of beta-cell mass is suggested as an alternative approach. Today, beta-cell mass is studied invasively by pancreatic biopsies. Non-invasive imaging of beta-cell mass with positron emission tomography (PET) tracers has seen huge advancement in recent years and shows promise as a strong tool for beta-cell mass assessment.
In a newly published review from Uppsala University, OIof Eriksson (Associate Professor at Uppsala University and Director, PET imaging at Antaros Medical) and Pierre Cheung (PhD student at Uppsala University) describe different PET tracers to image beta-cell mass. In this review you can find out more about this tool for beta-cell mass assessment and its potential to contribute to invaluable breakthroughs in the field of diabetes research and therapies.
Find the publication here
Title: The Current State of Beta-Cell-Mass PET Imaging for Diabetes Research and Therapies
Authors: Pierre Cheung and Olof Eriksson